Rep. Rice Applauds House Passage of Spending Bill that Includes Funding for Border Security and Disaster Relief


By: Tom Rice
By: Tom Rice
Date: Dec. 20, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Tom Rice (R-S.C.) released the following statement after voting for a funding bill that funds border security and disaster relief.

"The House just advanced a spending bill that includes $7.8 billion for disaster relief and $5.7 billion to secure our border. Many of my constituents are still recovering from Hurricane Florence and this funding is critical to helping the Seventh District rebuild. I will continue to assess the unmet needs of our district and ensure we have the resources for a complete recovery" said Congressman Rice. "Securing our border is a matter of national security and a matter of life and death in the Seventh District. Law enforcement officers have attributed the 150 opioid overdoses in our district last year to drugs coming across our porous borders. The border wall will help stop the flow of illegal immigration that is hurting the economy and endangering communities across the country. This funding bill reflects the priorities of not only South Carolina, but the entire country. Democrats have said time and again that they are for "border security." They should prove it by supporting a bill that will help secure our border, provide critical disaster relief funding, and keep our government open."

Watch Congressman Rice's full floor remarks here.
